Wednesday, 1 January 2020


Currently the ALU is a pretty straight forward pure combinatorial design. That isn't something we can keep up forever because the Lattice up5k on the iCEbreaker has dsp cores that provide fast multiplication, we will have to implement division ourselves.

Nevertheless i present the current implementation as is (mainly to test the verilog syntax highlighting capabilities of highlight.js :-) )

module alu(
 input [31:0] a,
 input [31:0] b,
 input carry_in,
 input [7:0] op,
 output [31:0] c,
 output carry_out,
 output is_zero,
 output is_negative

 wire [32:0] add = {0, a} + {0, b};
 wire [32:0] adc = add + { 32'd0, carry_in};
 wire [32:0] sub = {0, a} - {0, b};
 wire [32:0] sbc = sub - { 32'd0, carry_in};
 wire [32:0] b_and = {0, a & b};
 wire [32:0] b_or  = {0, a | b};
 wire [32:0] b_xor = {0, a ^ b};
 wire [32:0] b_not = {0,~a    };
 wire [32:0] extend = {a[31],a};
 wire [32:0] min_a = -extend;
 wire [32:0] cmp = sub[32] ? 33'h1ffff_ffff : sub == 0 ? 0 : 1;
 wire [32:0] shiftl = {a[31:0],1'b0};
 wire [32:0] shiftr = {a[0],1'b0,a[31:1]};
 wire [31:0] mult_al_bl = a[15: 0] * b[15: 0];
 wire [31:0] mult_al_bh = a[15: 0] * b[31:16];
 wire [31:0] mult_ah_bl = a[31:16] * b[15: 0];
 wire [31:0] mult_ah_bh = a[31:16] * b[31:16];
 wire [63:0] mult64 = {32'b0,mult_al_bl} + {16'b0,mult_al_bh,16'b0} 
                    + {16'b0,mult_ah_bl,16'b0} + {mult_ah_bh,32'b0};

 wire [32:0] result;

 always @(*) begin
  result= op == 0 ? add :
    op == 1 ? adc :
    op == 2 ? sub :
    op == 3 ? sbc :

    op == 4 ? b_or :
    op == 5 ? b_and :
    op == 6 ? b_not :
    op == 7 ? b_xor :

    op == 8 ? cmp :
    op == 9 ? {1'b0, a} :

    op == 12 ? shiftl :
    op == 13 ? shiftr :

    op == 16 ? {17'b0, mult_al_bl} :
    op == 17 ? {1'b0, mult64[31:0]} :
    op == 18 ? {1'b0, mult64[63:32]} :

 assign c = result[31:0];
 assign carry_out = result[32];
 assign is_zero = (c == 0);
 assign is_negative = c[31];


CPU design

The CPU design as currently implemented largely follows the diagram shown below. It features a 16 x 32bit register file and 16 bit instructi...