Nevertheless i present the current implementation as is (mainly to test the verilog syntax highlighting capabilities of highlight.js :-) )
module alu(
input [31:0] a,
input [31:0] b,
input carry_in,
input [7:0] op,
output [31:0] c,
output carry_out,
output is_zero,
output is_negative
wire [32:0] add = {0, a} + {0, b};
wire [32:0] adc = add + { 32'd0, carry_in};
wire [32:0] sub = {0, a} - {0, b};
wire [32:0] sbc = sub - { 32'd0, carry_in};
wire [32:0] b_and = {0, a & b};
wire [32:0] b_or = {0, a | b};
wire [32:0] b_xor = {0, a ^ b};
wire [32:0] b_not = {0,~a };
wire [32:0] extend = {a[31],a};
wire [32:0] min_a = -extend;
wire [32:0] cmp = sub[32] ? 33'h1ffff_ffff : sub == 0 ? 0 : 1;
wire [32:0] shiftl = {a[31:0],1'b0};
wire [32:0] shiftr = {a[0],1'b0,a[31:1]};
wire [31:0] mult_al_bl = a[15: 0] * b[15: 0];
wire [31:0] mult_al_bh = a[15: 0] * b[31:16];
wire [31:0] mult_ah_bl = a[31:16] * b[15: 0];
wire [31:0] mult_ah_bh = a[31:16] * b[31:16];
wire [63:0] mult64 = {32'b0,mult_al_bl} + {16'b0,mult_al_bh,16'b0}
+ {16'b0,mult_ah_bl,16'b0} + {mult_ah_bh,32'b0};
wire [32:0] result;
always @(*) begin
result= op == 0 ? add :
op == 1 ? adc :
op == 2 ? sub :
op == 3 ? sbc :
op == 4 ? b_or :
op == 5 ? b_and :
op == 6 ? b_not :
op == 7 ? b_xor :
op == 8 ? cmp :
op == 9 ? {1'b0, a} :
op == 12 ? shiftl :
op == 13 ? shiftr :
op == 16 ? {17'b0, mult_al_bl} :
op == 17 ? {1'b0, mult64[31:0]} :
op == 18 ? {1'b0, mult64[63:32]} :
assign c = result[31:0];
assign carry_out = result[32];
assign is_zero = (c == 0);
assign is_negative = c[31];